Kaniksu Over Snow Vehicle Use Plan Signed


Staff member
The OSV use plan was signed by the Forest Service for the Kaniksu region of the IPNF and goes into effect immediately.

Huge changes and benefits to skiers overall. Early on we pushed hard for skier access with a "wish-list" ski zone map.. many of the areas and comments were provided by folks here.

A few notable changes: Trout Creek road will now be open to snowmobiles to access skiing from the summer trailhead, as well as closer access points to the Salmo Priest Wilderness in the far NW part of the state. Snow machine access up the Pack River with the most potential in the Spring.. As most of the forest, minus Roman Nose and Moose Lake, closes to off-trail snowmobiling after April 1st.

Thanks to Winter Wildlands Alliance for all their work on behalf of the non-motorized community and snow machine assisted backcountry skiers alike.

Here's the signed decision with maps: https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/USDAFS/2023/12/29/file_attachments/2731700/20231228KOSVFinalEADNFONSI(FSsig).pdf

There's also an implementation plan that was added since the last revision: including hiring a couple of snow rangers to patrol trailheads and new signage across the forest.


Staff member
I guess maps aren’t coming out until possibly next Winter. So it sounds like the changes will take effect then.
(The document referred to maps available in February 2024, but all the news releases say next year.)

Post April 1st maps have the closer 'on-trail only' access into Salmo Priest and a few other interesting areas.