Canuck Splitboard Fest 01/09 to 01/11/2015


Staff member
OK gang.. The Canuck Splitfest is coming up Jan 9th through Jan 11th 2015.
This is a super fun trip that I did last year and I am doing again this year!! Anyone else going (besides Jason K)? The backcountry that we partake in is at Rogers Pass. Not gonna lie to ya, BIG stuff with BIG consequences there. it is the most avalanche active pass in North America. There are safe lines to take, but want to make sure all know this is where you bring your "A" game.
I most likely will have a full car, but if anyone else decides to go, we are leaving on Jan 6th and back on the 11th (I have people to drop off at the airport).


Staff member
Just bumping this thread for anyone interested in going to the Canuck Splitfest.
JasonK and another person is going with me on Jan 6th - 11th.

FYI.. Lodging in Revy is filling up fast!