BC Mobile Apps

I'm just taking a quick survey... What is your favorite backcountry app and what do you end up using it for when you go out? I ask because there are so many options available that it is hard to stick with one. I've used MotionX GPS for recording tracks and I use trailforks for mountain biking. I hear there is a bc equivalent to MTB Project but I have no experience with it.

I like the idea of generating maps for bc applications. I really like the Maprika interface. Super simple and effective for locating yourself and recording tracks on homemade maps (or resort trail maps). I made this map for the backside of Mt Spokane to help avoid the drainages. I was thinking of doing something similar for the backside of Schweitzer/Big Blue/Redneck Ridge but I would like to know if there are better applications out there.

I really like Gaia GPS. You can have Google Earth overlays, Caltopo overlays, etc... Works well in airplane mode and syncs flawlessly with your laptop. You can also share your tracks with your buddies and they can download your tracks and go out and follow your route.